Issues That Thomas Cannavo is looking to address

for New Jersey and The United States


I am running for Congress because we need ordinary people to step up to bring sanity back to Washington and to enact laws and policies which benefit the ordinary 99% and not just the 1% who buy politicians and corrupt our political system. I support the platform of the Green Party of the United States with emphasis on the following:

Universal Single Payer Healthcare- Expanded and Improved Medicare for All as in Pending Bills S-1655 and HR-3421;

End Medical Debt Environment-

Enact a Real Green New Deal Ending Fossil Fuel Use and Subsidies while Promoting Sustainable Alternative and Renewable Forms of Energy

Democracy- Dump the Corruption, Enact Ranked Choice Voting (RCV) to Provide a Real Choice; Take Corporate Money Out of Politics and Enhance Voting Rights

End Houselessness; Enact Affordable Housing Laws; Low Interest Rates for Individual Home Buyers

Education- No Tuition for Vocational and Higher Education; End Student Debt

Foreign Policy based on Domestic and International Law, Diplomacy and Human Rights, End Genocide and Unnecessary War Spending

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