"Breaking the Chains: How Unity Can Propel Third-Party Candidates to Victory"

"Breaking the Chains: How Unity Can Propel Third-Party Candidates to Victory"

August 09, 20242 min read

Breaking the Chains: : How Unity Can Propel Third-Party Candidates to Victory"

"Breaking the Chains: How Unity Can Propel Third-Party Candidates to Victory"

The narrative that a third-party candidate is merely a "spoiler" is one that's been ingrained in our political consciousness for too long. This mindset must change if we are ever to see real, meaningful reform. The major parties would have us believe that our only choices are within their ranks, but the truth is, we still hold the power if we come together. When we, the people, unite and disregard the rhetoric that voting for a third-party candidate is a waste, we can make a significant impact. We have the ability to step into the voting booth and cast our votes for an independent candidate who isn't beholden to the corporate interests that often control legislation.

Yes, it’s an uphill battle. But throughout history, the most important battles have always required determination and perseverance. We must shift our collective mindset away from the belief that "it will never happen." Instead, we should embrace the conviction that "it can and will happen," and recognize that now is the time for action.

All I ask is that you give a fair hearing to those individuals who stand for integrity and justice, who are committed to genuinely representing the people. They understand the deep flaws within our current system and refuse to accept the status quo. Like myself, they believe in the power of the people and are driven by a genuine desire to serve you, not special interests.

If there is one thing I want to be remembered for, it's that I gave everything I had to make this vision a reality. This is not just about running for office—it's about changing the course of our democracy and ensuring that it truly reflects the will of the people.


Stephen N. Zielinski Sr .

Green Party Candidate for New Jersey State Assembly LD-12

Green Party Candidate for New Jersey State Assembly LD-12

Stephen N Zielinski Sr

Green Party Candidate for New Jersey State Assembly LD-12

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